Text Case Converter

Convert text between different case formats: camelCase, PascalCase, snake_case, and more

About Text Case Converter

The Text Case Converter is a free online tool that allows you to easily convert text between different case formats commonly used in programming and writing. Whether you need to convert text to camelCase for JavaScript, snake_case for Python, or PascalCase for class names, this tool makes it simple.

Supported Case Formats


First word starts with lowercase, subsequent words start with uppercase. No spaces or punctuation between words.
Example: thisIsCamelCase


All words start with uppercase letters. No spaces or punctuation between words.
Example: ThisIsPascalCase


All lowercase with underscores between words.
Example: this_is_snake_case


All lowercase with hyphens between words.
Example: this-is-kebab-case


All uppercase with underscores between words.

lower case

All lowercase with spaces between words.
Example: this is lower case

Title Case

First letter of each word is capitalized, with spaces between words.
Example: This Is Title Case

Sentence case

First letter of the first word is capitalized, rest are lowercase.
Example: This is sentence case

When to Use Different Cases

Different programming languages and contexts have different conventions for naming:

  • JavaScript/TypeScript: camelCase for variables and functions, PascalCase for classes and components
  • Python: snake_case for most identifiers
  • CSS: kebab-case for class names and properties
  • Constants: Often use UPPER_CASE
  • Database: Often snake_case for table and column names
  • Writing: Title Case for headings, Sentence case for paragraphs

How to Use This Tool

  1. Enter or paste your text in the input field
  2. Select your desired case format from the dropdown
  3. The converted text will appear in the result field
  4. Click the "Copy" button to copy the result to your clipboard
  5. Click "Reset" to clear both fields and start over

This tool works entirely in your browser - no data is sent to any server, ensuring your text remains private.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is camelCase?

camelCase is a naming convention where the first word starts with a lowercase letter and subsequent words start with an uppercase letter, with no spaces or punctuation between words (e.g., "camelCaseExample").

What is PascalCase?

PascalCase (also known as UpperCamelCase) is similar to camelCase, but the first word also starts with an uppercase letter (e.g., "PascalCaseExample").

What is snake_case?

snake_case is a naming convention where words are separated by underscores (_) and all letters are lowercase (e.g., "snake_case_example").

What is kebab-case?

kebab-case (also known as dash-case or lisp-case) is a naming convention where words are separated by hyphens (-) and all letters are lowercase (e.g., "kebab-case-example").

When should I use different text cases?

Different programming languages and frameworks have different conventions. For example, JavaScript commonly uses camelCase for variables and functions, while Python often uses snake_case. CSS uses kebab-case for property names, and many programming languages use PascalCase for class names.