Learning Objectives
- Understand the three fundamental states in Git: Working Directory, Staging Area, and Repository
- Learn how files move through different states in Git
- Master the concepts of staging and committing changes
- Understand the role of the .git directory in managing your project
The Three States of Git
Git manages your files through three main states. Understanding these states is crucial for working effectively with Git. Each state serves a specific purpose in the version control process:
Working Directory
Where you modify files
Staging Area
Preparing changes for commit
Git Repository
Committed project history
Working Directory
- • Contains actual project files
- • Files can be modified freely
- • Changes not yet tracked by Git
1. Working Directory
The Working Directory is where you actively make changes to your project files. It's also known as the "working tree" and represents the immediate state of your project's files.
Key Characteristics
- Contains the actual files you're currently working on
- Files can be modified without affecting Git's version control
- Changes are initially "untracked" by Git
2. Staging Area (Index)
The Staging Area, also known as the "index," is a middle ground between your working directory and the Git repository. It's where you prepare changes for committing.
Purpose and Features
What It Does
- •Prepares content for next commit
- •Reviews changes before committing
- •Organizes changes into commits
Common Commands
git add
Add files to staginggit reset
Remove from staging
3. Git Repository (.git directory)
The Git Repository is where Git stores all the snapshots of your project's history. It's contained within the .git directory and is the heart of Git's version control system.
Repository Contents
- •Complete history of commits
- •Project configuration
- •Branch information
Key Features
- •Permanent storage
- •Commit tracking
- •Version history
Understanding File Lifecycle
Files in Git go through various states throughout their lifecycle. Understanding these states helps you manage your changes effectively:
Untracked Files
New files that Git doesn't yet track. Use git add
to begin tracking them.
Modified Files
Tracked files that have changed since the last commit. Stage them with git add
to prepare for committing.
Staged Files
Modified files marked for inclusion in the next commit. Usegit commit
to save them to the repository.
Committed Files
Files safely stored in the Git repository. These changes are now part of your project's history.
Common Commands Reference
Here are the essential Git commands you'll use when working with different states:
Working Directory Commands
git clean
Remove untracked files
Staging Area Commands
git add <file>
Stage specific file changesgit add .
Stage all changesgit reset <file>
Unstage changes
Repository Commands
git commit -m "message"
Commit staged changesgit log
View commit historygit show
View details of commits
Advanced Commands
git diff --staged
View staged changesgit rm --cached <file>
Untrack a filegit restore --staged <file>
Modern way to unstage changes
Knowledge Check
Before moving on to the next lesson, make sure you can answer these questions:
1. What are the three main states in Git?
Think about where files live and how they move between states.
2. What is the purpose of the staging area?
Consider why we don't commit directly from the working directory.
3. Which command moves changes to the staging area?
Remember the basic Git commands we covered.
4. What happens when you commit changes?
Think about where committed changes are stored and how they're managed.
5. What is the difference between tracked and untracked files?
Consider how Git manages new files versus files it's already tracking.
What's Next?
Now that you understand Git's three states and how files move between them, you're ready to learn about the repository structure in detail. In the next lesson, we'll explore:
- The structure of the .git directory
- How Git stores and manages objects
- Understanding references and their importance
- Basic Git architecture and workflow
Additional Resources
To deepen your understanding of Git states and file lifecycle:
- Official Git Documentation
Detailed explanation of Git's basic concepts
- Git Command Reference
Complete documentation of Git commands